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Joana Pinto: Artwork Display

About Me

I am Joana Carmona Pinto from Canada. I love sketching, watching films, and reading stories, but most importantly I love creating new things! Ever since I was young I loved story writing and sketching. In high school I got serious about practicing so this website is a showcase of what I've done during that time. Art has been the most enjoyable way to pass my time but I wasn't always certain I wanted to make it my career. However, I love making art! I was highly encouraged by the people around me to do what I love.   


People around me are one of the biggest influence for creating my artworks. Also, my emotions, my culture and my personal relationships highly influence my artworks. When I look back at my old work I always try to remember what feelings and thoughts I had during the process of it all. I question; what inspired me to make this? Sometimes I can't remember that far back but I know most of my inspiration comes from the media. I have seen many movies, shows and listen to a lot of bands. My favourite items in media are always the ones that have a strong message. They are very impactful and invoke a lot of emotions from me. I want to make art like that for others to enjoy. 


 My artistic talents, my goals and my love for media all have lead to the reason I want to join the film industry. I feel that I have a lot of potential and creative ideas that I want to share with everyone. Overall, I am proud that these artworks are the roots of my future career.


2022 Joana Carmona Pinto. Proudly created with

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